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Let’s forgive today – TLT Specials

– Neha Sharma

I was looking for a topic to write a new blog post when I came across these hard-hitting lines on scrolling through my facebook newsfeed –

Those who died yesterday, had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning, had plans for tonight. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never get to have that chance again.

How true! I think most of us would find it relatable at some or the other point in life.

Some people consider me ‘moody’ but fail to understand why I act like that often. If they look at it closely and positively, I’m more of a ‘forgiving’ person. I may loose temper and behave impulsively at times, but my mood changes quickly because I forgive. The word ‘forgive’ may sound a bit like blabbering though. I mean who am I to forgive or not, when, as they say –

We are all sinners, judging other sinners for sinning differently.

But when I say ‘I forgive’, I mean to say that I clear my heart and move on. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I go to that person and say, ‘I forgive you’ or ‘It’s okay’ but if I get to face that person again and she/he is humble enough to hit a conversation with me, I would reciprocate equally humbly. And why not? After all, I do have had some missed chances to do that with a few deceased people as well as a few alive ones. Sometimes, even if we are in touch with someone after the relationship has died, we don’t get enough chances to show we care. Because the things have changed. Because we have exhausted the chances we got earlier. Because the expectations have mutually shattered and perhaps there is close to nill communication left.

And if the person we had grudges with departs the world forever, then what to say. Well, I have been there done that. I have been through both kinds of probabilities and whenever any minute experience reminds me of anyone like that, all I can do is just take a deep sigh and divert my mind to have the thought stop bothering me.

Are we not all like that? Our past, present and sometimes future relationships keep running in our subconscious all the time. Do we not all keep wondering all the time, whom should we forgive, whom should we not? Or may be about seeking forgiveness? And undeniably, sometimes about the lost chances, about wish for a second chance.

Who does the above text remind you of? Someone you must forgive or someone you must confess to, seek forgiveness from? If you are lucky enough to have them around, why not rather do it verbally today! If things have been damaged so badly that there’s no scope, no problem. Do it heart-in-heart. Sometimes, in rare cases, you may need to forgive yourself for a regret too. If so, then do that. Whoever you need to forgive, do it for your own peace of mind, do it to soothe yourself. Feel the cool calmness it brings to your otherwise burning feelings. Do it to enhance the quality of life you have apart from that. And see the difference 🙂

It’s tested okay by me and believe that it works like magic.


Hope this added some positivity to your day. Thank you for reading.

Neha Sharma

Architect-turned-Author, Neha Sharma, has a flair for writing since childhood. She had written her first piece of poetry in an early primary class at school. Thereafter, her write-ups have got more and more recognition till date. Her writing skills have only enhanced over time. She's here to write interesting content in various genres of her choice. Her writing style is simple and easily understandable by even the beginners. Although not very religious by the general definition, she feels a strong connection with God and believes that He watches over her in all walks of life. She has always aspired to stand-out amidst the common and hence avoids following a herd-instinct as much as possible. Also a Featured Author at Momspresso, the popular motherhood and parenting app, Neha had got her debutante novella published about a couple of years ago. The novella 'Plus Minus' is about a group of friends, their respective families and depicts various phases of human life through their individual experiences. Through this story and its characters, she has attempted to convey the message that it is possible to succeed in life even without losing integrity, which seems tough these days. She intends to make this world a better place with her writings.

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