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An author Interview with Anwar Shaikh

Q1:- What inspired you to write “Prem SangharshAur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani”? Was there a particular event or experience that influenced the story?

Answer:- “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” was inspired by the complex dynamics of love and struggle in real life. The story is deeply influenced by my observations of how people navigate through intense emotional challenges and societal pressures to find true love and fulfilment. A particular event that sparked the idea was witnessing the journey of a close friend, who overcame significant obstacles in her personal life to achieve happiness and success. Her resilience and determination to fight for love and victory resonated with me, and I wanted to capture that spirit in this book. Through this story, I aim to explore the power of love, the strength of the human spirit, and the ultimate triumph over adversity.

Q2:- The novel explores the themes of love, struggle, and victory. What message do you hope readers take away from these themes?

Answer:- In “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani,” the themes of love, struggle, and victory are central to the narrative, and I hope readers take away a message of resilience and hope. Love, in its truest form, is worth fighting for, even when faced with significant challenges. The struggles we encounter in life, whether in relationships or personal growth, are not just obstacles but opportunities to discover our inner strength and determination. Victory, in this context, is not just about achieving a goal but also about the journey and the lessons learned along the way.

I want readers to understand that life’s battles, no matter how difficult, can be overcome with perseverance and a belief in oneself. The story encourages readers to embrace the challenges they face, knowing that every struggle brings them closer to personal growth and ultimately, to a deeper understanding of love and fulfilment.

Q 3:- The characters in the novel are well-rounded and relatable. How did you go about creating them? 

Answer:- Creating well-rounded and relatable characters for “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” was a process rooted in observation and empathy. I drew inspiration from real-life individuals—people I’ve encountered who embody a mix of strengths, flaws, dreams, and fears. To make the characters relatable, I focused on crafting their backstories, motivations, and emotional landscapes in a way that resonates with common human experiences.

I paid attention to how these characters would realistically respond to the challenges they face, ensuring that their actions and decisions felt genuine and true to life. By giving each character distinct personalities, with their own aspirations, struggles, and growth arcs, I aimed to reflect the complexity of human nature.

Furthermore, I allowed the characters to evolve organically as the story progressed, rather than forcing them into predefined roles. This approach helped in creating characters that feel authentic, with whom readers can easily connect, as they see parts of themselves in their joys, pains, and triumphs.

Q4- Can you describe your writing process for this book? How long did it take you to complete the novel from start to finish?

Answer:- My writing process for “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” was a journey that combined structured planning with creative spontaneity. It began with a clear vision of the core themes—love, struggle, and victory—that I wanted to explore. I spent a considerable amount of time developing the plot outline, character profiles, and key events that would drive the narrative.

Once the groundwork was laid, I dove into writing the first draft, allowing the story to flow naturally while staying true to the outline. This stage was all about getting the ideas on paper without worrying too much about perfection. After completing the first draft, I spent time revising and refining the manuscript, focusing on tightening the plot, deepening the characters, and enhancing the emotional impact of the story.

The entire process, from initial concept to final draft, took about a year to complete. I dedicated consistent time each day to writing, often revisiting and reworking sections until they felt just right. Along the way, I also sought feedback from trusted readers and incorporated their insights to strengthen the narrative.

Throughout the process, I remained open to inspiration and allowed the story to evolve, which added richness and depth to the final manuscript. The result is a novel that reflects my dedication and passion for storytelling, as well as my desire to create something meaningful for readers to connect with.

Q5- What challenges did you encounter while writing this book? How did you overcome them?

Answer:- Writing “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” came with its fair share of challenges, each of which ultimately helped me grow as a writer. One of the primary challenges was maintaining a balance between the emotional depth of the story and keeping the plot engaging. Since the novel deals with intense themes like love and struggle, it was essential to ensure that the narrative didn’t become too heavy or melodramatic. I overcame this by carefully pacing the story, integrating moments of lightness and hope to keep the reader invested.

Another challenge was developing well-rounded characters who felt authentic and relatable. It required a deep dive into understanding human emotions and motivations. To address this, I spent a lot of time fleshing out the characters’ backstories, ensuring that their actions and growth throughout the story were consistent and believable.

There were also moments of writer’s block, where the story seemed to stall, and finding the right direction felt difficult. During these times, I took breaks, revisited my outline, or explored the story from a different character’s perspective to gain a fresh viewpoint. This helped me push through the blocks and continue writing with renewed clarity.

Lastly, balancing my time between writing and other responsibilities was a challenge. To manage this, I created a disciplined writing schedule, dedicating specific hours each day to the novel. This consistency helped me stay on track and gradually complete the manuscript.

In overcoming these challenges, I learned the importance of patience, persistence, and being adaptable in the creative process. These experiences not only shaped the book but also enriched my approach to writing.

Q-6 The novel is rich in symbolism, particularly around the concepts of love and struggle. Can you share more about the symbolic elements in the book and their significance?

Answer:- In “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani,” symbolism plays a crucial role in deepening the reader’s connection to the themes of love and struggle. These symbolic elements are woven throughout the narrative to highlight the emotional and psychological journeys of the characters, as well as to convey universal truths about life.

One of the key symbols in the novel is -fire-. Fire represents both destruction and renewal—much like the challenges the characters face in their lives. It symbolises the passion of love, the intensity of their struggles, and the transformative power of overcoming obstacles. Just as fire can destroy but also purify, the characters’ experiences burn away their insecurities and fears, leading them to a place of clarity and strength.

Another powerful symbol is the -mirror-. Throughout the novel, mirrors appear in moments of self-reflection, representing the characters’ inner struggles and the need to confront their true selves. The mirror is a reminder that to truly love and be victorious, one must first understand and accept oneself. It also symbolizes the duality of human nature—the public face we show to the world versus the private struggles we keep hidden.

**Water** is also a recurring symbol in the book, representing both the fluidity of emotions and the idea of cleansing. It is tied to moments of clarity and emotional breakthroughs, signifying the characters’ ability to adapt, heal, and move forward. Just as water can be calm or turbulent, the characters experience both peace and turmoil as they navigate their relationships and challenges.

Lastly, the -rose-. is used as a symbol of love and its inherent complexities. The rose’s beauty and fragrance represent the sweetness of love, but its thorns remind us of the pain and sacrifice often involved. This duality mirrors the characters’ experiences, where love brings joy but also requires enduring hardships.

Each of these symbols adds layers of meaning to the story, enriching the reader’s experience by offering deeper insights into the characters’ journeys. They serve as metaphors for the broader themes of love, struggle, and victory, emphasising that life’s challenges, though difficult, ultimately lead to growth and fulfilment.

Q7 How much of your own experiences and emotions are reflected in the book? Is there a particular aspect of the story that you feel most personally connected to?

Answer:- “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” is deeply personal to me, as it draws on various aspects of my own experiences and emotions. While the story is fictional, the themes of love, struggle, and victory resonate with my own journey and observations of those around me. The emotional depth in the novel is rooted in the challenges I’ve faced and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

One particular aspect of the story that I feel most connected to is the portrayal of resilience in the face of adversity. Like the characters in the novel, I have encountered situations where persistence and inner strength were crucial to overcoming difficulties. The emotional highs and lows the characters experience are, in many ways, a reflection of my own understanding of how love and struggle intertwine in life.

The symbolic elements, such as the mirror, hold personal significance as well. They reflect my own journey of self-discovery and the importance of confronting one’s true self to grow and find fulfilment. Writing this novel was as much an exploration of my inner world as it was a creative endeavour, making it a deeply meaningful project that I hope will resonate with readers on a personal level.

Q8 How have readers responded to the book so far? Were there any surprising or unexpected reactions?

Answer:- The response to “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” has been incredibly encouraging and heartwarming. Readers have connected deeply with the themes of love, struggle, and victory, often sharing how the story has resonated with their own life experiences. Many have appreciated the rich symbolism in the book, noting how it added layers of meaning to the narrative and helped them see the characters’ journeys in a new light.

One surprising reaction has been the strong emotional response to certain characters and their struggles. Readers have expressed how they felt a deep empathy for the characters, often finding themselves emotionally invested in their outcomes. Some have shared that they were moved to tears during particularly intense moments, which was both humbling and unexpected.

Another unexpected reaction was the way readers interpreted some of the symbolic elements. While I had specific intentions behind symbols like fire and mirrors, readers have brought their own interpretations to these elements, sometimes uncovering meanings that I hadn’t fully considered. This has been a rewarding experience, as it shows how the story can take on new dimensions through the perspectives of different readers.

Overall, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many readers expressing that the novel left a lasting impact on them. This response has been both gratifying and motivating, reaffirming my belief in the power of storytelling to touch lives in profound ways.

Q9 :- Which authors or books have influenced your writing style, particularly in “PremSangharshAurVijay:EakAnokheeKahani”?

Answer:- Several authors and books have influenced my writing style, particularly in crafting “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani.” One of the most significant influences has been Rabindranath Tagore, whose exploration of human emotions and relationships in his works like *Gitanjali* and *The Home and the World* deeply inspired me. Tagore’s ability to convey complex emotions with lyrical beauty and his use of symbolism have had a lasting impact on my approach to storytelling.

Another influence is Gabriel García Márquez, particularly his use of magical realism in *One Hundred Years of Solitude*. While my novel doesn’t delve into magical realism, Márquez’s way of blending the extraordinary with the everyday encouraged me to infuse my story with rich symbolism and deeper layers of meaning.

**Paulo Coelho**, with his novel *The Alchemist*, also played a role in shaping my writing style. Coelho’s themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of one’s destiny resonated with me and influenced the themes of struggle and victory in my own story.

Lastly, Jane Austen has been an influence, particularly in her nuanced portrayal of relationships and social dynamics in novels like *Pride and Prejudice*. Austen’s keen observation of human nature and her ability to create relatable, well-rounded characters inspired me to focus on character development and the emotional depth of the relationships in my novel.

These authors, each in their own way, have contributed to the development of my writing style, encouraging me to craft a story that is both emotionally resonant and rich in meaning.

Q10- Are you currently working on any new projects? Can you share what readers might expect from you next?

Answer:- Yes, I am currently working on a new project that I’m very excited about. My next book delves into the world of billionaire romance, a genre that allows me to explore themes of power, wealth, and the complexities of love in a high-stakes environment. This upcoming novel will be quite different from “Prem Sangharsh Aur Vijay: Eak Anokhee Kahani” but will still focus on deep emotional connections and character development, which are central to my writing style.

Readers can expect a story filled with intrigue, passion, and the challenges that come with navigating love in a world where wealth and power play a significant role. The characters in this new novel will face their own unique struggles, as they balance their desires with the responsibilities and pressures that come with their privileged lives.

In addition to this, I’m also conceptualising a book on the political landscape, particularly focusing on the performance of a major political party in recent elections. This will be a more analytical and research-driven work, reflecting on current events and their impact on society.

These projects allow me to explore different facets of storytelling, from romance to political analysis, and I’m looking forward to sharing them with readers soon. Each new book is a journey, and I’m eager to see how these stories will resonate with my audience.

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