“Invoke Inner Wisdom-Empower Self” by Yatin Samant is a beacon of insight and inspiration

"Invoke Inner Wisdom-Empower Self" by Yatin Samant is a beacon of insight and inspiration, inviting readers to a transformative journey toward self-discovery, higher clarity, and empowerment. The book, the first…

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Ayatan Tsubaki’s “Mind And Its Thoughts” is a captivating exploration of the human psyche through the lens of poetry.

Ayatan Tsubaki's "Mind And Its Thoughts" is a captivating exploration of the human psyche through the lens of poetry. The book presents a unique blend of themes, seamlessly weaving together…

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Selling Is Not Cheating – Sales Is Strategy, Skills, Pricing, Marketing And Ethics – Manojit Majumdar

In the dynamic landscape of the business operations prevailing in the modern day organizations, Author Manojit Majumdar’s remarkable sales strategy guide, “Selling Is Not Cheating – Sales Is Strategy, Skills,…

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“Fundamentals of Warehousing” by Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, M. Meera, Dr. K. Rajesh Kumar, and Dr. R. Sugirtha

"Fundamentals of Warehousing" by Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram, M. Meera, Dr. K. Rajesh Kumar, and Dr. R. Sugirtha is a comprehensive guide that seamlessly blends academic expertise with real-world experience.…

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Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2024: A Digital Confluence of Literary Brilliance Across Asia

In a dynamic homage to the ever-evolving landscape of literature, the Sahitya Sparsh Awards 2024 is poised to commend extraordinary authors and their literary masterpieces from the diverse realms of…

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