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Book Feature : The Storyteller by Sana Rose

Book: The Storyteller
Author: Sana Rose
Publisher: Bigfoot Publications
Zara, ZR, Zach, Lara and The Storyteller.

Zara, a girl in her twenties, has a past. A past that makes her feel gross about herself. A past that has never paid justice to her. A past that she never wants to repeat. An incident of her life that makes her feel cheated, victimized and brutally responsible for all that knowingly or unknowingly happens in and around her.

Depression has become so common among ourselves that it is used by culprits to hide their crimes. Zara has been a victim of depression and the medications are forced upon her by her mom. Lara, Zara’s mother, has always remained a mystery to Zara for she doesn’t know why her mother would do and say things that no mother would dare to.

Again, she found the answers to her dilemmas by blaming and punishing herself for something that is not her fault. Zara’s thoughts, her atmosphere and the social conditions in which she is put show the implications of how well a normal person can be shoved into the cage of depression deliberately for personal gains. Undermining herself as an unfortunate kid, she is always on a border line, where the readers find her between being irrational and sane.

People tend to be the reason for existence and Zara feels worthy of herself after the arrival of an online stranger, who calls himself as ‘The Storyteller’ and Zach. She finds reason to get up every day, understanding that there is a journey which has already begun and needs a destination. The storyteller, being keenly interested in the unpleasant past of Zara, makes her wonder about the person behind the screen. She feels a strong connection between them but feels casual as well as curious about it. Zach comes as a guardian angel in the story who unexpectedly understands the scenario of Zara’s mind and surroundings. He decides to solve Zara’s life mystery, pretty much like a jigsaw puzzle – incomplete, messy and missing in many places, yet beautiful in her own way. Zach loved Zara for her imperfections and flaws while Zara talks about Zach as:

“I was surprised to find someone was letting me be, while he put up with my silence, just because he thought I didn’t want to talk. I was touched someone considered how I felt before spending his energy on how he felt…”

Upon reading the lines, you can easily understand how consciousness plays an important role in the book. The consciousness of Zara, Zach, ZR and the storyteller become the wheel of the journey in the book. Unleashed in each diary excerpt of The Storyteller, is not just his interpretations but a wider perspective of many unnoticed personal feelings elevated to a level of insightful philosophy.

The story takes the reader to the next level of anticipation and interest – on one hand, the chapters unfold a truth and on the other, entangles into a deeper mystery. Consisting of 105 chapters, the book takes the reader through various emotions of intense love, craving for a belonging, isolation, phases of depression, the value of truth and family bonding. Truth can be delayed but never denied. By each chapter, the reader will discover Zara through their eyes but on the same plane, we notice reader’s conscious-complex mind unveiling itself, dusting those untouched ideas and thoughts which, in contemporary life, can make a lot of difference. The chats, conversations and events are hurtful, extreme in nature, yet a light presentation of the same makes this book stand different. The presentation of the plot is in a way that keeps you hooked till the end with exceptional visualization of the events.

The book won’t remain as a fiction alone in the reader’s mind but a feast to emotions, thoughts and ideologies.

About The Book:

About the reviewer:

Kavi Krish is a freelancer, literature enthusiast and a Teacher Trainee by profession based in Kerala. She has been fascinated by the world of literature from a very early age and is extremely interested in Indian Mythology, crime thrillers, fantasy and fiction. Besides reading, she is a passionate artist and photographer.




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