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Book Review: Moheni Govinda Nehette’s “Expression Of Devotion”

“Life is not easy for all until you make it smooth for yourself and with choosing a correct path of action, half the work is done for yourself. While the other half is done when you show sincere devotion to that path of action, which you have choose for yourself in order to make your life smooth!”

This remarkable book, “Expression Of Devotion” by Author Moheni Govinda Nehette is written with a beautiful aim of transforming the readers’ life and teaching all those manners to the readers, which can help them to grow, achieve success, attain inner peace & satisfaction in their lives. The book is directed to fulfil the readers’ goals and help them discovering their hidden potentials, learn the art of mastering the mind, learn the philosophy of self-love and make a successful transformation in their life in all their desired aspects!

About the Author: The Author Moheni Govinda Nehette is a die-heart follower of the popular spiritual guru, Shri Shri Ravishankarji and very sincerely follows his teachings. Author Moheni has a total of ‘6 Books’ under her name as of now and we certainly can expect many more titles from her side, in the coming days. Most of her books are based upon spirituality and the art of living a healthy and positive life.

Author Moheni Govinda Nehette has a very huge and an active base of readers along with her presence on several social media channels. To find out more about the Author, her books and the other achievements made by her please visit her website:

About the Book: This book, Expression Of Devotion by Author Moheni Govinda Nehette is a “Self Help Book” that aims to help the readers in solving their mental crisis and extracting out the negative and evil thoughts from their mind. Further, the book also aims to change the lives of the readers, of course for good, that too in an extraordinary and remarkable manner!

The book throws light upon those set of tools, which can be indeed beneficial for the people seeking for personal success, life mastery, and an abundant as well as unbeatable mind-set. The aim is to make the readers understand about their personal success key by their own thought pattern, awareness, perception and the impact of all these aspects and values as a whole, when put together in the lives of the people. Through this book, Author Moheni has provided the readers with a simple and yet an impactful approach to solve the classic problems of human beings, which we encounter in our day to day life.

The book consists of a total of 7 Constructive and Reading Worthy Chapters, which are actually written in the form of long letters from the author to herself, all other human beings, the Almighty and her Gurudev! Moreover, this book is written in such a marvellous manner that reading and understanding the Author’s Theories becomes easy for the Readers. Hence, the readers can find some very helpful and practical tips to follow and overcome their difficulties.

Book Title: Well, the Author has much appropriately justified the Book Title, as the book not only talks about DOs and DON’Ts of the life but also highlights the manners to direct one’s life in their desired way. It is expected to provide the readers with an improved daily life quality, abundance with their relationships, happiness, peace, success in carrier and a fulfilled life! It has been advised to unlock the powerful keysdescribed in this book to live an “Empowered & Prosperous Life!”

Readers’ Connect: Through this Self Help book, Expression Of Devotion the Author has made a very genuine effort of taking about the mental crisis, which many of us are facing in today’s world. In addition, she very openly talks about topics and issues, which are often either neglected or not taken very seriously the people and yet those issues plays major role in shaping up the habits and building up the character of a human being. According to the Author, if the reader follows the teachings of this book in the manner, which is aimed and expected then the Readers could solve some real hurdles of their lives, which are pulling them down.

Through this book, the Author has talked about the various negative and unproductive issues, which slows us down. Moreover, she has also given the solutions to overcome such negative and unproductive issues in order to make our life much brighter and blissful. 

Book’s Verdict: A book like Expression Of Devotion is most definitely this book is a Must Read one, as it is all about finding balance in life, which undoubtedly we all are seeking and this book has made it easier to find the ways of doing so and consists of all the right mix for the readers.

In addition, the Author has made some great efforts with her writings in this book and she certainly deserves a chance for spreading so much positivity all around. Happy Reading!Book Link:

Reviewed By: Neel Preet

The Rise Insight

News Media Literature

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