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Prem Ki Pariksha

Book Review : Prem Ki Pariksha by Ranjan Kumar

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing
ISBN: 9789354464324

“Love is a beautiful feeling – a feeling that certainly cannot be described in words! However, even in this journey of love, one has to take several tests. Moreover, only when one passes the various tests, which occurs in a relationship, the love sustains. Otherwise, love is a very delicate feeling, which can be lost if once this feeling gets hurt.”

Well, before starting the review of this Hindi Romantic Fictional title, “Prem Ki Pariksha” by Author Ranjan Kumar, let me mention that the Author has made a brilliant effort with this novel. The book covers a great story revolving around some of the main characters and the incidents of their lives. The manner in which the story progresses is truly incredible; and will make the readers feel the thrill while going through this amazing novel.

About the Author: The Author, Ranjan Kumar is a young writer, who comes from the culturally rich state of Bihar and is known for his book, ‘Prem Ki Pariksha!’ The book has been published by Evincepub Publishing and has been released on 3rd of March 2022 in both paperback as well as in e-book format. The readers can contact Author Ranjan Kumar via email, his email address is:

Book’s Introduction: This book, Prem Ki Pariksha by Author Ranjan Kumar is a ‘Romantic Fictional’ Novel, written beautifully in the Hindi language. Well, even though this novel falls under romantic genre, but still there are several instances in the plot, where the readers are going to witness suspense and thrill. The storyline of this romantic fictional novel is revolving around Sneha Kumari Gupta, who is the main character of the story!

The story is mostly about the life of the main character of the novel, Sneha Gupta and the various people who came in her life at different stages. Further, the story progresses with the twists & turns in the life of poor Sneha. Moreover, her normal life begins to change and with several changes happening in her life.

The book covers the story of Sneha’s quest in her life and shows the occurrence of romance in her life. Apart from Sneha, there are some other main characters too in this novel, who involvement in Sneha’s life completes this romantic tale. The novel is filled with astonishing revelations and thrills and this is the story of a woman, who witnessed several things at various stages of her life.

Book Title: The title “Prem Ki Pariksha” for this book, which is a Hindi Romantic Fictional novel, is certainly an appropriate one with reference to the collection of chapters added in this book by the Author. Moreover, it is a very ‘Catchy Title’ and this is something, which makes the book even more interesting, as the title itself compels you to pick up this book for a read. In this case, the title is giving a very heart-warming as well as an interesting vibe. Therefore, as a reader you would feel the urge to go inside the chapters and try to understand the Author’s thoughts!

In addition, I must mention that the title of this book is much “Justified” with regards to the reading worthy storyline present in this book. Undoubtedly, it is a very apt Book Title for this novel & the Author had been extremely wise to go for this title.

Readers Connect: Through this book, Author Ranjan Kumar has attempted to present romance in a very pure and true sense. The best thing about this book is that the story gives an indeed great message concerning the feeling to true love. The Author advocates the message that true love is all about making sacrifices for the sake of happiness of the loved one. The story in this book covers everything, from romance to crime and suspense and the reader are bound to experience everything!

Another very important aspect of this book is that the storyline is indeed engrossing & interesting and the narration style by the Author is so amazingly lucid, that it would totally hook the readers until the very last page of this romantic fictional novel. Moreover, this is a book, which will make the readers think about the plot for several times, even after completing the book.

Verdict: A Book like “Prem Ki Pariksha” is for sure a Must Read one & deserves a chance by the readers. The way Author had presented the central character in this book and made sure to retain the suspense until the very end of the story, making the storyline truly incredible. His work is seriously praise worthy as he has succeeded in making a great book in the competitive category of romantic fiction!

Author, Ranjan Kumar is a promising young Author, who is very creative in his writing, which the readers can feel through his spectacular writings. In addition, his honest work makes his book even more reading worthy.

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