Read more about the article Featured Book : Gifts of wines and roses : In search of her way by Aishwarya

Featured Book : Gifts of wines and roses : In search of her way by Aishwarya

I’m Aishwarya of grade 12 I have written three teen books…. and when I was in grade 10 I use to write lot of articles… my mom was being a great support through all my times and my inspiration towards Nicholas sparks and my teen life experiences made me to complete my first book…. followed by that this is my fourth book which every teenager would love this.

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Read more about the article Author feature – Aishwarya Singh
Aishwarya Singh

Author feature – Aishwarya Singh

A student studying in Lucknow, Aishwarya Singh is an ambitious child with many talents. She started writing stories, when she was eleven year old. Aishwarya usually writes horror and romantic stories. 'Mona Lisa' is her first book written and published. Her parents have always supported and encouraged her in the fields she is interested in. Even her little sister helped and encouraged her for the work.

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Honour or Disgrace – Choice is ours : Neha Singhal

India, a country with 139 crore people, who are different from each other with respect to their cultures, language and believes, yet united under one name called 'Indians'. The beauty of India lies in its diversity. As an Indian, I feel proud of my country's rich cultural heritage, valour and modesty.

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Why I dislike Communists? A critical Analysis of Election defeat of the Left and Congress.

I was born under the shadow of Communist rule in Bengal and I grew up hearing horror stories about the atrocities done by communist cadres. And for a politically neutral family, Bengal remains safe. Politics isn’t strange? In Kerala, Congress is the prime opponent of the Left, whereas in Bengal they are fighting together like good comrades. "Kerala mein khusti, Bengal mein Dosti"-This isn’t acceptable in any sense.

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Read more about the article Book Review: The Realm Of India’s Employment Laws And The Indian Constitution by Dr Amitava Ghosh
The Realm Of India’s Employment Laws And The Indian Constitution

Book Review: The Realm Of India’s Employment Laws And The Indian Constitution by Dr Amitava Ghosh

the realm of indias employment laws and the indian constitution by dr amitava ghosh.

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