Read more about the article Poor planning or over confidence what led the second wave of Covid-19
Poor planning or over confidence what led the second wave of covid

Poor planning or over confidence what led the second wave of Covid-19

When the country is facing the devastating effect of the second wave of Covid 19, the predictions and warnings for a third wave have been voiced by the chief scientific advisor of the Government. But will it have any effect? These questions are rising because, irrespective of having warnings about the second wave, India is facing the deadliest effect of Covid 19. A serious shortage of oxygen is risking thousands of lives every, killing hundreds. Lack of proper healthcare infrastructure and improper vaccine management is making the fight difficult every hour. So what led to having a second wave?

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Love: Hits and Misses by Dr. Bhaskar Natarajan – Review

An example of this cornucopia is Dr. Bhaskar Natarajan’s boutique collection (as he calls it) with the title, “Love: Hits and Misses.” This collection of stories is born from the experiences he gained in his life and also those which he heard from others.

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Read more about the article सबसे उदास गीत – प्रो एम आर सेठी – पुस्तक समीक्षा
सबसे उदास गीत

सबसे उदास गीत – प्रो एम आर सेठी – पुस्तक समीक्षा

सबसे उदास गीत पढ़ते हुए आपको लगता है कि आप एक महफिल से होकर आए हैं और एक बुफे हैं व्यंजनों का जिसके हर स्वाद को सलीके से बड़ी शिद्दत से पकाया और परोसा गया है।

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