लेखक अखिलेश कुमार की उल्लेखनीय पुस्तक, “आपकी ज़िद आपकी जीत”- पुस्तक समीक्षा

“हम सभी ने इस लोकप्रिय प्रेरक उद्धरण को सुना है – जहां इच्छा है, वहां रास्ता है; और इसलिए हमें अपनी ऊर्जा को दिशा देने की जरूरत है और अंतिम लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमें जीत की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने की जरूरत है। खैर, यही है जीवन की यह खूबसूरत यात्रा!”

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Book Review: “A Conversation With Time” By Author Nabaghan Ojha

“True courage results in some extraordinary outcomes, something which we hope for deep down in our hearts but don’t expect in our practical life and yet life surprises us with some beyond imaginable out-turns, only because of our courageous and bold decisions!”  

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Book Review: Moheni Govinda Nehette’s “Expression Of Devotion”

“Life is not easy for all until you make it smooth for yourself and with choosing a correct path of action, half the work is done for yourself. While the other half is done when you show sincere devotion to that path of action, which you have choose for yourself in order to make your life smooth!”

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Ann Treasa Joseph’s “The Ocean in My Sky”—Book Review

This fantasy fiction title, “The Ocean In My Sky” by Author Ann Treasa Joseph tells the readers a very painful story of a mother’s sacrifice along with a son’s sorrows and the miseries of all those people who had lost their love in some or the other stage of their lives. The Author talks about some beyond the world things in this book, which are just imaginary but bit scary too. This book may amaze you with its extraordinary fictional tales or it may arouse some critical questions about the writing carried out by the author in his book. Moreover, there is not a single shred of doubt that this book is somewhat unique, which is trying to tell the readers a story in a very out of the box manner!

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“US555 – U!The Heart of Billions” By Unique Yash- Book Review

A cherished aspiration or ambition is the key to live one's life and to change a world to a better phase and bring a worthy existence of the beings. Life without a goal or an aim is just not worth enough to survive in. Bookish knowledge, the daily reasoning, the teachings and preachings are not the ultimatum to survive and change the world. Instead, there must be a dream to fulfil amongst every particular being.

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Book Review: A Conversation With Time

The book is all about two protagonists "Nishit" and "Yogeshwar" around which the relatable life happenings, concepts, hurdles and the coping techniques lies. The character "Nishit" is presented a bit hopeless at first who is guided by the other "Yogeshwar" who is shown to be a teacher in the entire story. Therefore the twist comes in the end, when the author reveals and unfolds the two mysterious characters.

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