Read more about the article Book Review : “A Girl with a Black Hat” book by PRANALI VIRA
author-pranali vira

Book Review : “A Girl with a Black Hat” book by PRANALI VIRA

“Life has unexpected twists and turns, but our actions and reactions towards surprising situations determine our path towards the destiny.” Exactly, this statement creates our boho life; every individual has their own story whereby the tale lives forever to create a fictitious wonderland for people to narrate. “A Girl with a Black Hat” is one such route of the bizarre life that Nancy was living.

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Read more about the article Interview with Author Naeem Sha
Naeem Sha

Interview with Author Naeem Sha

To tell you honestly about my experience in writing, I shall have to transport you back many decades …to my schooling days in Hill Grange High School. Since my school days, I had an affinity for the English language and Literature. I have to mention two of my brilliant English teachers Mrs. Saldhana and Dolly Thakore who made an everlasting impact on me. But after school and college I never got to express my love for the language or could cultivate my desire to Author a book. Next by a stroke of circumstance I got into writing dialogues and screenplay for Hindi feature films and also directing Hindi feature films which was a 24/7 commitment - English language took a back seat.

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Read more about the article Maanav Mastisk Ka Samajik Roop : Kumar Santosh
Maanav Mastisk Ka Samajik Roop

Maanav Mastisk Ka Samajik Roop : Kumar Santosh

यह किताब सामाजिक गतिविधियों और स्वयं पर आधारित है। जिसमें बताया गया है कि व्यक्ति क्यों सोचता है? क्या कारण है? क्या मनुष्य अन्य जीवों से अलग है? अगर अलग है तो कैसे? जब मनुष्य को दर्द (पीड़ा) होती है तो उसके सोचने का क्या स्तर होता है? और वह क्या सोचता है? और पीड़ा के दौरान वह कहाँ तक सोच सकता है? क्या मनुष्य अपने अनुभव का अपने जीवन में सही उपयोग करता है या वह करने पर मजबूर होता है। इस किताब के माध्यम से हम अपने जीवन के एक स्तर को पहचान सकते हैं और जिसके मायने अलग अलग हो सकते हैं।

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Read more about the article Bedtime Stories – A Book By A Kid for Kids
Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories – A Book By A Kid for Kids

This juvenile fictional picture storybook, “Bedtime Stories – A Book By A Kid for Kids” by Author Vedant Parashar ‘Vedu’ is actually meant for kids. The book presents the young readers with a very beautiful narration of short stories as well as poems! The book may also amaze you with its extraordinary and marvellous illustrations along with a lovely fictional tale for the children. Moreover, without even a single shred of doubt, it may be concluded that this title is a perfect fit for the children!

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Read more about the article Featuring Author Shrut Kirti Agrawal
Shrut Kirti Agrawal

Featuring Author Shrut Kirti Agrawal

लेखकीय सफर ऑल इंडिया रेडियो के युवा-वाणी प्रोग्राम में अपनी रचना पढने से हुआ। पहली रचना मनोरमा अप्रैल प्रथम, 1994 और पहली कहानी मनोरमा के ही जुलाई, प्रथम, 1994 में छपी। इसके पश्चात सरिता, गृहलक्ष्मी, मेरी सहेली, वनिता, गृहदेवी आदि पत्रिकाओं में 2004-05 तक कई कहानियां तथा धारावाहिक रचनाएं छपती रहीं। फिर कई वर्षों तक कतिपय निजी कारणों से लेखन में व्यवधान रहा। फिर 2017 में लघुकथा के परिंदे के साथ जुड़ने के बाद लघुकथा लेखन में रुचि जागृत हुई। अभी लघुकथा के परिंदे, इत्यादि ग्रुप में लगातार लिख रही हूँ। पहली लघुकथा 'नई सदी की धमक' में छपी। अब फेसबुक पर लघुकथा तथा कविताओं के कई ग्रुप जैसे मातृभारती, प्रतिलिपि, स्टोरी मिरर इत्यादि ग्रुप से जुड़ाव है। जिसमें पाठकों की संख्या साढ़े तीन लाख से ऊपर जा चुकी है। लोगों को रचनाएँ पसंद आने से पाठकों और लेखकों के समूह में पहचान मिली और फिर कई संपादकों ने अपनी ई-बुक और कहानी/कविता संग्रहों में रचनाएँ संग्रहित कीं। मेरी लघुकथा अकल्पित पर बनी शॉर्ट फिल्म, फिल्म फेस्टिवल्स में बेस्ट स्टोरी का खिताब दो बार जीत चुकी है। दूरदर्शन बिहार से तीन बार लाइव इंटरव्यू, खुला आकाश प्रोग्राम में आ चुका हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त टॉक शो आदि में भी उपस्थित रही हूँ।

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Read more about the article Book Review: “Assassination Nation”
Ehaan Nawaz

Book Review: “Assassination Nation”

“What looks bad from outside can be good from inside, as we do not know everything and everything has got more than one side. Therefore, it is better to go through every aspect before reaching to a final conclusion!” Reviewing this daring Fictional book, “Assassination Nation” by Author Ehaan Nawaz has been a great experience to me. Since, this young author has very cleverly presented a world of underground organization in his book. In addition, the manner in which the author had highlighted the several incidents taking place in the lives of the various characters in the book is truly incredible.

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Read more about the article Interview with Author Somdatt Kumar By Neel Preet
Somdatt Kumar

Interview with Author Somdatt Kumar By Neel Preet

someone who believes in deep thinking on any given topic. This book having written after a long thinking process, which is beneficial for the students of today’s generation in order to understand the mathematical concepts in an easy manner. The Author also has a very good knowledge of the Vedas. Author Somdatt always try to research something new in the field of mathematics.

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Author Interview with Dr. Praneeth Pallepogu

profession. He is an Evangelist, philanthropist, author. He is the founder & Chairman of ‘Ray of Hope’, a charitable organization. He also worked with Infosys until 2010. Praneeth was featured in “The Week” magazine’s Special Anniversary Edition “THE INDIAN GENIUS”. The Praneeth Pallepogu Ministries’ stands as a pillar of Hope for 20,000+ followers on Instagram.

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Read more about the article Book Review “Welcome To Second Spring”
Welcome To Second Spring

Book Review “Welcome To Second Spring”

The book is not only for ladies above forties but also for every woman out there who is or will be facing the scenario. The books motive is to spread the fact that menopause cannot be a barrier to anyone's dreams, desires, or wants! Everyone should know that they are gorgeous and glamorous.

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