Don’t Build Your School Brand Without Us by Rakesh Gupta, Sumit Handa – A Must Read Book Launched –  Review

Coming from the experts who are knowledgeable, skilled and trusted in their fields, this book is a must read for all stakeholders in educational institutions, particularly those involved in setting…

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Book Feature: FAILURE : It Never Ends Unless…!! by Devanshi kanani

Author : Devanshi kananiISBN :9789393966230Publisher : Wings Publication (19 September 2022) About the Book Forget about the failure, as it is indeed. Failing at something is the precursor of success.…

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Read more about the article Book Feature: Uncage The Mysterious Soul by Najam Us Saher
Uncage The Mysterious Soul

Book Feature: Uncage The Mysterious Soul by Najam Us Saher

“UNCAGE THE MYSTERIOUS SOUL” is a collection of poems written by Najam Us Saher, containing poems related to loneliness, sadness, loving and losing someone, nature, time and death, arranged in such a way that it narrates a story of a lonely girl. Her poetry is a blend of expressions of hopelessness and yet being hopeful about the future. Her grief revolves around losing the most important person in one’s life her mother who left her at a very young age. Her words are a true reflection of the way she lives her life and her transformation on emerging as a stronger girl than before.

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Read more about the article Book Review : “A Girl with a Black Hat” book by PRANALI VIRA
author-pranali vira

Book Review : “A Girl with a Black Hat” book by PRANALI VIRA

“Life has unexpected twists and turns, but our actions and reactions towards surprising situations determine our path towards the destiny.” Exactly, this statement creates our boho life; every individual has their own story whereby the tale lives forever to create a fictitious wonderland for people to narrate. “A Girl with a Black Hat” is one such route of the bizarre life that Nancy was living.

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Interview with Lakshita Bhargava Author of the Book “Mixed Emotions”

akshita Bhargava: Thank you Swapna. I grew up in Miami, Fl, and now live in Delhi, India. Writing has always been my passion. I have been working with adults and children for the last 20 years on life skills, teaching English and Spanish. I would like to use stories to impart life lessons, since they are an effective and impactful way of sharing learning.

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