Read more about the article Climate Change COP26 : Srishty Verma
Climate Change COP26

Climate Change COP26 : Srishty Verma

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP26, was the 26th United Nation climate Change conference, held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, from 31st October to 13th November 2021. The President of the conference was UK cabinet minister Alok Sharma. It was the 26th Conference of the parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) it delayed, the third meeting of the parties to the 2015 Paris Agreement (designated CMA1, CMA2, CMA3), and the 16th meeting of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP16). The conference was the first since the Paris agreement of COP21 that expected parties to carry out a process colloquially known as the ‘ratchet mechanism’ every five years to provide improved national pledge.

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Read more about the article Interview with Author Naeem Sha
Naeem Sha

Interview with Author Naeem Sha

To tell you honestly about my experience in writing, I shall have to transport you back many decades …to my schooling days in Hill Grange High School. Since my school days, I had an affinity for the English language and Literature. I have to mention two of my brilliant English teachers Mrs. Saldhana and Dolly Thakore who made an everlasting impact on me. But after school and college I never got to express my love for the language or could cultivate my desire to Author a book. Next by a stroke of circumstance I got into writing dialogues and screenplay for Hindi feature films and also directing Hindi feature films which was a 24/7 commitment - English language took a back seat.

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Read more about the article Featuring Author Shrut Kirti Agrawal
Shrut Kirti Agrawal

Featuring Author Shrut Kirti Agrawal

लेखकीय सफर ऑल इंडिया रेडियो के युवा-वाणी प्रोग्राम में अपनी रचना पढने से हुआ। पहली रचना मनोरमा अप्रैल प्रथम, 1994 और पहली कहानी मनोरमा के ही जुलाई, प्रथम, 1994 में छपी। इसके पश्चात सरिता, गृहलक्ष्मी, मेरी सहेली, वनिता, गृहदेवी आदि पत्रिकाओं में 2004-05 तक कई कहानियां तथा धारावाहिक रचनाएं छपती रहीं। फिर कई वर्षों तक कतिपय निजी कारणों से लेखन में व्यवधान रहा। फिर 2017 में लघुकथा के परिंदे के साथ जुड़ने के बाद लघुकथा लेखन में रुचि जागृत हुई। अभी लघुकथा के परिंदे, इत्यादि ग्रुप में लगातार लिख रही हूँ। पहली लघुकथा 'नई सदी की धमक' में छपी। अब फेसबुक पर लघुकथा तथा कविताओं के कई ग्रुप जैसे मातृभारती, प्रतिलिपि, स्टोरी मिरर इत्यादि ग्रुप से जुड़ाव है। जिसमें पाठकों की संख्या साढ़े तीन लाख से ऊपर जा चुकी है। लोगों को रचनाएँ पसंद आने से पाठकों और लेखकों के समूह में पहचान मिली और फिर कई संपादकों ने अपनी ई-बुक और कहानी/कविता संग्रहों में रचनाएँ संग्रहित कीं। मेरी लघुकथा अकल्पित पर बनी शॉर्ट फिल्म, फिल्म फेस्टिवल्स में बेस्ट स्टोरी का खिताब दो बार जीत चुकी है। दूरदर्शन बिहार से तीन बार लाइव इंटरव्यू, खुला आकाश प्रोग्राम में आ चुका हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त टॉक शो आदि में भी उपस्थित रही हूँ।

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Read more about the article Book Review “Welcome To Second Spring”
Welcome To Second Spring

Book Review “Welcome To Second Spring”

The book is not only for ladies above forties but also for every woman out there who is or will be facing the scenario. The books motive is to spread the fact that menopause cannot be a barrier to anyone's dreams, desires, or wants! Everyone should know that they are gorgeous and glamorous.

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Read more about the article Interview with Author Sher Singh By Neel Preet
sher singh

Interview with Author Sher Singh By Neel Preet

The Author Sher Singh, popularly S. S. Chauhan is the youngest novelist who gives words to the situations that most novelists cannot. With his pen, he writes magical words that make everyone admire the author. Since his childhood, S. S. Chauhan had incredible writing skills, which later on, helped him to establish himself as a Professional Author.

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Read more about the article Interview With Author Sairam Subramanian
Author Sairam Subramanian

Interview With Author Sairam Subramanian

From Banking to Teaching to Development, Sairam’s career has been driven by a quest for greater meaning, scale, impact and complexity in his work. The confluence of his engagements with Indian and International banks before his pivotal transition to development sector where he engaged directly with underserved communities, large NGOs, Corporate CSRs, multilaterals and government, shaped his understanding of various aspects of sustainable development as an interplay of these actors. His current work of crime fiction is an effort in the direction to connect and engage with a wide segment of readers in an entertaining way, informing them of the various social issues and inspire them to participate in addressing these challenges. Sairam is a Chevening Alumnus from India. He holds an MSc in International Development with King’s College London and an MBA from Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA).

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Interview with Author Dr. A. V. Subrahmanyan

Author’s Background: The Author Dr. A.V. Subrahmanyan, is a popular Neurologist of South India known fondly among his patients as Dr AVS had a distinguished academic career culminating in a Neurology Specialisation from the prestigious PGIMER (Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research), Chandigarh. His educational journey saw him move all over India starting from the south of India to the west and finally the northern part of India. He is in active Neurology practice for more than twenty five years. Apart from being a popular Neurologist, he is also a sought after speaker in various colleges, societies and clubs for his talks on Public health, Mental health and Mind body medicine. He has a passion for writing Fiction and Religion genres. Themes which fascinate him are Deep thinking, Emotions, Empathy, Ethics, Symbolism and Knowledge. His debut book ‘Selected stories from Shiva Purana’ is on sale now. Three more books in Contemporary fiction, nonfiction and a Travelogue genre are in the pipeline.

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Read more about the article Self-Love : Treat yourself better By Srishty Verma
self love

Self-Love : Treat yourself better By Srishty Verma

Treating yourself better is as important as we treat others, and stop waiting to care for yourself once you feel ‘deserving’. It’s normal to fall into slumps, and we need to give ourselves extra love and nourishment during these times. Do not wait to tend to yourself once you feel on top of the world again, do things you love when you’re not doing your best, because those are the moments you need it most. You are worthy of feeling loved and care for, go where your energy is appreciated. you deserve to be around people that appreciate you. Just look at how strong and beautiful you are, just appreciate yourself, this time with more care, with more attention. Today’s reminder: what you seek, is seeking you.

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