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Is communism fit for globalization

Is communism fit for globalization?

Sharing of cultural ideas, technologies, contributions to economies and free movement of the people around the world is what we understand by Globalization, but during this Covid Pandemic, when our movement is restricted, we are witnessing how different countries are joining hands for sharing their knowledge and resources. Helping each other at the time of crisis is what Globalization signifies.

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The power of imagination

See it to believe it and imagine it to live it. The power of imagination is infinite. Infinity is beyond definite boundaries. It is the power to imagine that lends us wings to fly, to explore, to break open the shackles and let loose. Had it not been for the power of the human brain to fantasies and ideate, we would have been as primitive and savage barring all evolution.

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Vandana Shiva fights patents on seeds to make farmers independent from Monsanto and Nestlé

Vandana Shiva, the Indian scientist and activist stands for social justice and uncompromising sustainability. The Alternative Nobel Prize winner gained worldwide attention through her fight against the agricultural giant Monsanto.…

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Economy for the benefit of the people: Amartya Sen receives Peace Prize of the German Book Trade

Amartya Sen’s biography is shaped by his early experiences with hunger and racial violence. In October he was honored with the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. The economist…

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