Euphoria (let’s find our real happiness): we have come so far in this journey of loving yourself. Today, we are going to talk about the finding our real happiness. As I already mentioned earlier that happiness is a feeling and it can be different for everyone. And what if I tell you that Euphoria is not something to finding our happiness, so, what is euphoria and how can we find that? Let me give you an example of my own self, I personally feel that there will never be anything that compares to finding new pieces of yourself didn’t even know you would discover, and I think that’s a big part of life I’ve overlooked. Not only will I grow up more and more but I will also meet more of myself. Maybe at 25 I’ll realise I love a certain food or at 30 I’ll want to learn piano or at 50 I’ll discover something new. Still now I don’t know yet all of who I am but I really want to know more.
I feel just like me we all are discovering our real self slowly and slowly we are finding our Euphoria. and we all know that our life has meaning and purpose even if we can’t see it now. And it’s totally alright if you are still searching for yourself, its okay if u have to find your big life’s purpose. Don’t forget that, no matter how hard things get, you are still worthy, you are still good enough, your life is important and you deserve good things. But the most important thing is that you haven’t stop looking for it. As I already mentioned in my previous article that whatever we are searching outside its already inside ourself, we just need to find them. So, don’t sit still and wait for life come to you. Get out there, breathe in the sun, touch the sky, immerse yourself in the things that you love. Feel the warmth that today brings. Through this small article I just want to remind you that self-love isn’t selfish its important. Let’s find the cause of our “Euphoria”.
–Srishty Verma.