Read more about the article Book: Symphony To Jazz – The Rise Insight
Symphony To Jazz by Ankit khemka

Book: Symphony To Jazz – The Rise Insight

This book, “Symphony To Jazz” by Author Ankit Khemka is a business guide and comes under the category of ‘Business & Strategy!’ In this remarkable title, the author explores the powerful analogy of jazz music as a metaphor for teamwork, creativity, and innovation in the business world.

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Read more about the article Book Review : Pilgrimage : Collection of Poetries

Book Review : Pilgrimage : Collection of Poetries

As a collection of poetry, every volume has the potential to engross the readers in a different world that gives them a momentary break from their routine. “Pilgrimage” by M. Timothée Bordenave is a collection of poems that takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. Bordenave has a unique style of writing that blends spirituality with everyday experiences, resulting in a poetic masterpiece that speaks to the soul. Each poem is a reflection of the author's personal journey, and the reader is invited to join him on his pilgrimage towards a deeper understanding of life. Bordenave's poetry is deeply introspective, and the reader can't help but be drawn into his search for meaning.

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Read more about the article Book Feature : 10X Your Focus to Achieve Career Success in a Competitive World
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Book Feature : 10X Your Focus to Achieve Career Success in a Competitive World

"10X Your Focus to Achieve Career Success in a Competitive World" by Dhritiman Chakraborty is a comprehensive and practical guide for corporate executives who aspire to enhance their focus and achieve long-term success in today's fiercely competitive professional landscape. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Chakraborty provides readers with actionable strategies, real-world examples, and valuable insights to help them develop a growth mindset, cultivate positive habits, leverage technology, and overcome setbacks.

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Vaidehi Taman Talks About Her Latest Book “LIFE BEYOND COMPLICATIONS”

Vaidehi Taman has been a journalist for 20 years and is the Founding Editor of Afternoon Voice and The Democracy. She is an Investigative Journalist from Mumbai, who believes in…

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Life Beyond Complications by author Vaidehi Taman is a coming of age story of a young boy and his serendipitous introduction to spirituality

Life beyond complications by author Vaidehi Taman is a coming of age story of a young boy and his serendipitous introduction to spirituality and spiritual practices of Hinduism through a…

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Read more about the article Pyaari – Tarawali Ek Satya Katha – Book Review
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Pyaari – Tarawali Ek Satya Katha – Book Review

लेखक रजनीश दुबे के इस हिंदी प्रेम प्रसंगयुक्त शीर्षक, "प्यारी – तरावाली एक सत्य कथा" की समीक्षा शुरू करने से पहले, मैं बता दूं कि लेखक ने इस उपन्यास के साथ एक शानदार प्रयास किया है। पुस्तक में कुछ मुख्य पात्रों और उनके जीवन की घटनाओं के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती एक महान कहानी शामिल है। जिस तरह से कहानी आगे बढ़ती है वह वास्तव में अविश्वसनीय है; और इस अद्भुत उपन्यास के माध्यम से पाठकों को रोमांच का अनुभव कराएंगे।

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Read more about the article Mancando by Shreyas Mogal: Book Review by Soudia Parveen

Mancando by Shreyas Mogal: Book Review by Soudia Parveen

A fictional book framed by the imaginative ideas of a being can sometimes drive differently in the ocean of minds. Though one knows that the characters, plots, setting, is fabricated and based on the author's imagination, we tend to believe it and get deep into the thoughts of the author tending to believe every inch of it. Added up to this, if the book remains suspense till the end appears to be more eye-catching and demanding along with the varieties in characters varying from one suspect to another.

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